APR & Princess Sadie |
I remember when eggs were evil, coconut oil was from hell, red meat was not to be touched, and carbs were perfect. Give it five years, and sugar will no longer be the evil one. The food police will have a new target.
if you are dealing with Alzheimer's, sugar - evil, white, filthy, perverted sugar is a gift from the gods. So is caffeine. Put them together and the person who is sundowning gets a spurt of energy that makes the mind work - just a little better. It takes about 20 minutes with my father. Last week, he consumed a glass of sugar water which he thought was orange juice. The sugar water was intended for the hummingbirds. It was the most lucid day we've had in months. Before the food police began condemning me, he's 90 years old. We will do just about anything to get his brain working for a time. The Alzheimer's brain disparately needs it.
Excess is a problem, with anything. Seriously, I do think the war on sugar, and extreme control of it with people who are 'pre-diabetic' are going to end up doing more harm than good for those who could be prone to AD. The brain literally needs sugar to function. It is energy. In the UK they are experimenting with caffeine in mice with AD. Caffeine injections are literally repairing damaged brain tissue. There are a number of families who are dealing with AD who are finding the disease needs to be fought on a nutritional level. We were very pro-active when we discovered my father's AD, to the point where we have been able to delay the onset of the worst of the disease for several years. We're in Stage 6, now so it is a mote point. We do, though experiment with sugar with him.
When my father was diagnosed as Type 2 diabetic 15 yrs ago, my mother became the food police. Everything he put in his mouth was monitored. We noticed a change in his blood sugar levels about 3 yrs ago, to the point where he can drink the 'orange juice' and his daily medication take care of it.
What if all the monitoring, and keeping a person off evil, white sugar might cause greater harm than good by not allowing the brain to have the energy it needed to survive?
All rights reserved, SJ Reidhead