Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hondo Kitty
We went down to Las Cruces today to meet with an neurologist.  He wants to do a PET CT.  My mother isn't too sure about it. 

The neurologist said that the eating problems we were experiencing were "normal".  As long as my father is stimulated and gets what he wants to eat,he will.  He said he will do better the more he is out of the house and visiting with people.  He also told us that the directional problems we were experiencing were quite normal.  Said it is the first in a long series of things that would happen. 

I suspect I was a little impatient today.  He was very chatty, repeatedly.  I know I should not have been so impatient with him, but I guess I was.  When he's like this you can't have any sort of a discussion with anyone - just him.  Now I know why my mother is so frustrated at times!

So we discussed - repeatedly
  1. Did I pick up the mail?
  2. Had I paid the property taxes?
  3. What was the name of the realtor here in Ruidsoso?
  4. Was the insurance all paid?
  5. Did he have any mail?
  6. Was I sure the property taxes had been paid?
  7. How did I know the property taxes had been paid?
  8. When had I last picked up the mail?
  9. Had I paid the property taxes?
  10. Were the taxes on the I-85 property paid?
At least the or four times....!

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